Cancer52 Showcase Video response to the Covid-19 pandemic

Oct 4, 2022

Delighted to launch the Cancer52 video showcasing the amazing work of Cancer52 members in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Showcase Video highlights the innovation and tenacity of our members in the face of the extraordinary challenges of the past couple of years. We wanted to capture the learnings from their work to inform and inspire others in the cancer community.
A total of 26 members were able to showcase how their organisations pivoted to overcome the challenges to better support those affected by rare and less common cancers. All charities wanted to show what has and continues to be achieved, and to allow these great examples to inspire others in the cancer community.
Sharing issues, challenges, hopes and fears with other rare and uncommon cancer charity leads is an invaluable experience.
Thank you Cancer52 for arranging these events.