End of life care

May 11, 2021

This week is Dying Matters Awareness Week and although this is often a very difficult subject to think about, it allows individuals and those who care about and for them, personally and professionally, to come together to open up the conversation around dying, death and bereavement.

End of life care is sometimes called advance care planning, and involves thinking and talking about your wishes for how you’re cared for in the final months of your life. This can include treatments you do not want to have.

Planning ahead like this can help you let people know your wishes and feelings while you’re still able to. Letting your family know about your wishes could help them if they ever have to make decisions about your care.

Which is why we have created a dedicated page, which provides advice, support and helpful resources.

Read more here – https://www.neuroendocrinecancer.org.uk/end-of-life/

If you have any questions about any of the topics we cover, you can contact us or you may prefer to discuss them with your care team.

Find out more about ‘Dying Matters’ Awareness Week here – https://www.dyingmatters.org/AwarenessWeek