Swansea & SW Wales Natter **FACE to FACE**

We are delighted to announce that our Swansea Natter is back to Face-to-Face meetings. This collaboration with Maggie’s Centres means that attendees can resume meeting again in person.

NB Maggie’s Swansea are maintaining some precautions – social distancing and masks for all visitors.

VENUE : Swansea Maggie’s, Singleton Hospital, Sketty Lane, Sketty, Swansea SA2 8QL (Google Map link here )

2022 Swansea Natter Meetings : THIS MEETING – Friday 4th November 1.30-3pm / Next Face to Face Natter – Friday 2nd December 1.30-3pm

For this Face-to-Face meeting – please contact Nikie to confirm attendance and/or for any further information you might require

All Swansea meetings are held on the first Friday of the month (except January & Bank Holidays) between 1.30pm and 3pm

We will be scheduling a South Wales Regional Natter online in the near future – for all – but particularly those who may not be able to attend either Swansea or Cardiff face to face Natters.

You can contact also Nikie for information about the South WalesRegional Natter



Nov 04 2022


1:30 pm - 3:00 pm