ALL Northern Ireland ONLINE Natter: *change of date*

This NCUK National Natter – for all of Northern Ireland – will be run online via zoom – the local Natter group which meets in Belfast will restart face-to-face meetings once venue and dates can be confirmed.

For further information about the local Face-to-Face Belfast Natter group contact Ann.

All NCUK Northern Ireland National meetings are held quarterly on Thursdays between 7pm and 8:30pm

This month’s meeting was scheduled for the 11th May, unfortunately we have had to reschedule to Thursday 25th May – however original registration is still valid (you will receive a Zoom email notification confirming new date) – and if you haven’t already done so – you can SELF-REGISTER here

Contact NCUK Natters for further information about the National NI Natter.

For information about Neuroendocrine Cancer and NCUK visit our website here


May 25 2023


7:00 pm - 8:30 pm