As a hobby, I had been making short videos for my YouTube channel sharing my love of health, fitness, and the outdoors. However, I was diagnosed with a primary neuroendocrine tumour of my small intestines which had spread to my liver. Those early days after diagnosis...
Aged 24, diagnosed with Neuroendocrine Cancer of the Pancreas. You can follow George’s journey and check out the amazing support that he has received from many celebrities and sporting legends on his Instagram page.
Welcome to the website of Ronny Allan who was diagnosed with incurable Metastatic Neuroendocrine Cancer in July 2010 after presenting with weight loss, symptoms of iron deficiency and facial flushing (Carcinoid Syndrome). On this site, Ronny discusses various aspects...
At the age of 53 on the 20th June 2015, I was told that I had a Neuroendocrine tumour, which had metastasised to my liver. As you can imagine it came as a bit of a shock. I am in now in my late fifties, married with 4 children (all now successfully independent), and I...
I was diagnosed with Stage IV Neuroendocrine Cancer in October 2015. The primary tumour was in my small intestine with metastasis to liver and lymph nodes. Diagnosis came both as an absolute shock (I had run a half marathon two days before) and as a relief...
I was diagnosed in 2014 with a primary pancreatic NET that had spread to my liver. Following this diagnosis I had Whipples procedure and liver resection at Kings College hospital in February 2015, I was 41 years old. I was single at the time and living...