by Leanne Talbot | Sep 12, 2019
I was diagnosed with Stage IV Neuroendocrine Cancer in October 2015. The primary tumour was in my small intestine with metastasis to liver and lymph nodes. Diagnosis came both as an absolute shock (I had run a half marathon two days before) and as a relief... by Leanne Talbot | Sep 10, 2019
I was diagnosed in 2014 with a primary pancreatic NET that had spread to my liver. Following this diagnosis I had Whipples procedure and liver resection at Kings College hospital in February 2015, I was 41 years old. I was single at the time and living... by Leanne Talbot | Mar 27, 2019
On the 3rd August 2016 my life changed forever. For some reason it felt as though I couldn’t digest my food. I increasingly felt unwell. That evening I decided that I would go out with my wife for a meal to try & help me feel better. I couldn’t even... by Leanne Talbot | Mar 15, 2019
On January 2, 2015, I had a life-changing experience: I almost died. I was suddenly hospitalized with internal bleeding caused by a neuroendocrine tumor (NET) on my pancreas, which had metastasized to my liver. The tumors were crushing my spleen and pressing against a... by Leanne Talbot | Sep 28, 2018
I still feel hesitant in drawing attention to myself and the fact that I have NET cancer. However awareness is the key because if you don’t know about NET cancer how can you detect it and the sooner you do detect it the better your chances of controlling it. My... by Leanne Talbot | Nov 3, 2017
My journey with Neuroendocrine Cancer started 20 years ago. I wasn’t aware at the very beginning that it was a NET that had made me ill. I was 29 weeks pregnant at the time and have to admit it hadn’t been the easiest of pregnancies. From the beginning I had...