Coronation Champion – Enola Wright

Apr 26, 2023

**Inspirational Volunteer Enola Wright Named Coronation Champion**

April 25, 2023Enola Wright, a dedicated volunteer from West Mersea, Essex, has been recognised as one of the 500 Coronation Champions for her tireless work in serving the Insulinoma community. The Coronation Champion Awards, launched by the Royal Voluntary Service and Her Majesty The Queen Consort, celebrate extraordinary volunteers who go above and beyond to improve the lives of others.

Enola, who was diagnosed with a malignant insulinoma in 2007, has devoted 16 years to creating and managing the Insulinoma Support Network, which has become the main single source of information and knowledge for those affected by the rare neuroendocrine tumour. Through her relentless efforts, Enola has helped establish diagnostic guidelines, created an insulinoma website and built the largest online Facebook community for insulinoma patients.

In recognition of her outstanding commitment, Enola will receive a specially designed Coronation Champions pin and a signed certificate from Their Majesties. She has also been invited to attend the London Garden Party at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday, 9th May. Enola expressed her gratitude, stating, “It is a privilege and an honour to be a Coronation Champion.”

Despite facing significant personal challenges, including a second cancer diagnosis and ongoing health issues, Enola continues to work passionately on behalf of the insulinoma community. She has inspired others to share their personal experiences, published a book containing real-life insulinoma stories, and launched a patient-led research initiative – the first of its kind.

Enola has also brought on board four fellow insulinoma patients as volunteers to help with the Facebook group’s administration, while actively motivating and supporting them. As her own health becomes more challenging, Enola’s next goal is to establish an Insulinoma Charity, requiring £10,000. Enola said “By becoming a registered charity, we can elevate our mission to provide vital assistance to those affected by an Insulinoma, fund critical research, and ensure that the administrative support needed to sustain the Insulinoma community is in place.”

Enola Wright’s dedication and perseverance serve as an inspiration to many, both within the insulinoma community and beyond. Her tireless efforts have made a tremendous difference in the lives of those affected by this rare condition.

For more information or to donate, please visit the Insulinoma Support Network website Insulinoma Support Network and the crowdfunding page on JustGiving Crowdfunding to Establish a new Insulinoma Charity on JustGiving

**About the Insulinoma Support Network and the Insulinoma Charity**

The Insulinoma Support Network and the Insulinoma Charity are dedicated to empowering individuals affected by insulinoma, a rare neuroendocrine tumour, by providing them with comprehensive information, resources, and support. Founded by Enola Wright, a Coronation Champion Award recipient, the network aims to raise awareness, improve diagnosis, and expand treatment options for those living with this rare condition. Through collaborative efforts, the organisation seeks to establish a registered charity to fund research initiatives and enhance insulinoma support services. The Insulinoma Support Network and the Insulinoma Charity are committed to fostering a resilient community that inspires hope, courage, and progress in the fight against insulinomas.

For more information on the Coronation Champions Awards: