Diet & Nutrition can help those with Neuroendocrine Cancer

Oct 26, 2021

In the lead up to Neuroendocrine Cancer Day (10th November) – and following on from Malnutrition week (11-17 October) – we thought we’d take a look at how Diet & Nutrition can help those with Neuroendocrine Cancer.

We know that there isn’t one specific diet that will suit everybody who has Neuroendocrine Cancer.

However, there may be adjustments you might be able to make to what you eat, depending on your general health, your treatment(s), the type of Neuroendocrine Cancer you have or if you’re losing weight.

There simply isn’t one special diet that everyone should follow.

When you are dealing with any kind of cancer, eating well makes sense, but balancing your diet can be difficult especially if you have symptoms that affect your digestive system.

If you are well, maintaining weight and have no symptoms – a normal, healthy, well-balanced diet can help you to:

  1. Stay at a healthy weight.
  2. Maintain a healthy immune system, which can protect you from infections.
  3. Cope with treatment.
  4. Maintain your fitness level, so you have the energy to exercise and do everyday tasks.
  5. Recover and heal after treatment.

Over the next few days we will be sharing some expert-informed advice on how diet can help – in managing symptoms and maintaining health.

We know there is a huge amount of food advice available through the internet – however, not all of it has evidence behind it.

Indeed in some cases following that advice (without checking the source, the evidence and/or the suitability for you, as an individual), can be harmful.

Today we share an overview of how our digestive system works:


and what a healthy balanced diet is – the Eatwell Guide

N.B. For those following a vegan diet you may find this resource from the BDA (Association of Dietitians) useful

and Enfield Council have produced a PDF with suggestions for culturally adapted Eatwell guides – available to download here.

“The culturally adapted Eatwell Guide shows the proportions in which different types of foods are needed to have a well-balanced and healthy diet. The culturally adapted version is based on Public Health England (PHE) Eatwell Guide however the foods in the culturally adapted version, may better reflect those foods typically eaten within different cultures across England. The proportions shown are representative of food consumption over the period of a day or even a week, not necessarily each mealtime.

Please note : The Eatwell Guide applies to most people regardless of weight, dietary restrictions/ preferences or ethnic origin.

However, it doesn’t apply to children under 2 because they have different nutritional needs. Between the ages of 2 and 5, children should gradually move to eating the same foods as the rest of the family, in the proportions shown on the Eatwell Guide.

For those with special dietary requirements or medical needs – we recommend a review with your specialist team – (the dietitian if available) – on how to adapt your diet to meet your individual needs.

We would love to hear from youespecially if you have gained benefit from a dietitian’s input and advice. So do let us know : email Nikie

Rest of the week:

  • Neuroendocrine Cancer and/or it’s treatments : how this can affect the digestive system works and what might help
  • We will talk about Pancreatic Exocrine Insufficiency and Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy
  • Vitamins and Minerals
  • Diabetes – particularly Type 3c
  • Dispelling the myths
  • The vital role of the dietitian in Neuroendocrine Cancer well-being, your experiences & an update on latest guidelines.

NCUK Diet & Nutrition page :