
Jun 15, 2021

👏Please join us in thanking the wonderful Dipesh for his outstanding fundraising contributions over the last couple of weeks.
🏃🏌️Dipesh not only ran the Vitality 10k but also held a golfing fundraiser with his pals and raised almost £2000 for NCUK!
Here’s what Dipesh had to say:
I have raised £1963 for NCUK, and to achieve this I ran the Vitality 10k run on Sunday 6th June – it was hot & humid but I just managed to achieve a personal best.
On Saturday 12 June – 9 of us played golf on a lovely warm day aided by water, chocolate, heath bar, samosas and a can of Stella!
We then were joined by a couple of others for an early evening curry which was most enjoyable. Julie has been helping and supporting me along as usual.
Thank you Dipesh, and to all of those who got involved, supported and donated ❤️
#NeuroendocrineCancerUK #NCUK #NCUKFundraisers