UK-wide WEBINATTER: Sexual Wellbeing and Cancer

Sexual Wellbeing and Cancer
Our Guest Speaker is Sarah, a sexuality educator completing a master’s degree in Clinical Psychosexology: the psychological aspects of body image, sexuality and well-being when cancer is diagnosed. Sarah’s study and dissertation is on the effects cancer has on sexual wellbeing. She focusses on sexual education as an preemptive intervention for all cancers, not only the ones traditionally linked to the reproductive or sexual body.

Join us at our Neuroendocrine Cancer UK Webi-natter to hear more about Sarah’s research and talk about sexual health and well-being during cancer: all are welcome.

You can pre-submit any questions you may have to Nikie : all questions will be treated confidentially.

This ONLINE meeting will be held – WEDNESDAY 6th MARCH – starting at 6:30pm – to join you can SELF-REGISTER HERE

You may also be interested in Dr Alia Munir‘s talk on Reproductive Health, Menopause and Hypogonadism in Neuroendocrine Cancer and/or Julia Segal‘s talk on Relationships, Sex and Neuroendocrine Cancer : both available on our YouTube channel here

For further information about the Natters and Neuroendocrine Cancer – browse our website or use our CONTACT US form provided HERE




Mar 06 2024


6:30 pm - 8:00 pm