National ONLINE WEBINATTER – The Heart of the Matter: Carcinoid Heart Disease

This month’s webinatter focusses on Carcinoid Syndrome and Carcinoid Heart Disease

Carcinoid syndrome (CS) is uncommon, however, it is the hormonal syndrome most commonly experienced by those with certain functioning NETs (primarily, but not exclusively, small bowel) and is defined by chronic diarrhoea / flushing in the presence of elevated levels of serotonin [or its metabolite 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid (5-HIAA)].
Atypical carcinoid syndrome (ACS) may be experienced by those with NETs originating in the lung, stomach, duodenum / ovary. ACS is characterised by a patchy, intensely red, flush, sweating, itching, wheezing, salivary gland swelling, eye-watering (lacrimation) and cardiovascular instability e.g., hypo/hypertension (low/high blood pressure).

Carcinoid heart disease (CHD, Hedinger syndrome), is a rare condition that affects about one in five (20%) patients who have both neuroendocrine cancer AND carcinoid syndrome (CS).

We are delighted to welcome Wendy & Mike Martin (Kings Healthcare Partners ENETs Centre of Excellence) to talk about, discuss and answer questions on Carcinoid Syndrome – with a particular focus on Carcinoid Heart Disease. Wendy is the senior Clinical Nurse Specialist for Neuroendocrine Cancer, and Mike, is the senior Peri-operative Specialist Practitioner, in Cardio-thoracics, at Kings.

Details on how to register for this special focus webinatter will be added shortly

Our next Pan-London Natters will be held in the New Year – date to be confirmed.

For further information about Neuroendocrine Cancer and/or the Natter Groups please contact Nikie or Kate and/or further explore our website HERE


Oct 21 2024


6:30 pm - 8:00 pm