National WEBI-NATTER : Decision-making in Neuroendocrine Cancers – ONLINE
We are delighted to welcome Mike Tadman (Senior Clinical Nurse Specialist/Advanced Nurse Practitioner at Oxford ENETs Centre of Excellence) to talk about and discuss factors and influences that affect decision-making, including why a decision not to treat may be made – and your right to say no.
The key aim of treatment should be to help you have the best possible care and quality of life, by ensuring access to appropriate treatment, management of symptoms, and addressing what’s most important to you. This will be explored in what we hope will be a very interactive webi-natter.
Thank you to our High Grade/Neuroendocrine Carcinoma group for hosting this Webi-Natter.
For all diagnosed – whether with a NET (neuroendocrine tumour incl PPGL) or an NEC (neuroendocrine carcinoma incl MCC & MTC), there are many things to consider in planning and deciding on treatments. Your treatment will be personalised to you and the type of neuroendocrine cancer you have. Even if you have a diagnosis that sounds the same as another patient, your treatment and follow-up plan may be different: what makes work for one person, may not be right for you . . . and not everyone will share the same preferences or thoughts about treatment.
Please note that the next National NEC & G3 NET Natter will be held on the 22nd October: 6:30 – 8pm: please see Calendar for October’s HGNET/NEC Natter registration details.
For further information about neuroendocrine cancer and the Natter Groups please contact Nikie or Kate
Not all neuroendocrine cancers are the same or behave in the same way: this can depend on site, stage, grade, and cancer cell appearance (differentiation).
Further information on grading and differentiation can be found on our website here and in our Virtual Handbook here.