Name: Lisa

Age: 51

Neuroendocrine Cancer site(s): Primary is unknown and metastasis to the Liver.

Lisa’s Story:

Hi, my name is Lisa. I married to Stu and have a wonderful son Adam who is 19 years old and suffers from Autism. I love baking, walking and Angel Card Reading.

13 years ago, I was diagnosed with Kidney cancer Grade 3. I had my kidney removed with lymph nodes and surrounding tissue.
I was clear on all my check ups following the op.
Fast forward to April 2019 and after a routine CT scan on pain I was getting in my right side I had multiple scans – CT, MRI, Gallium 68 Scan, Bone, Scan, Endoscopy, Colonoscopy and 2 liver biopsies I was eventually diagnosed with NETS after they first thought it was Pancreatic Cancer. They found 3 tumours on my liver. They started me on Sandostatin Injections every 28 days. I was also put forward for surgery and on November 6th 2019, I underwent huge surgery to remove 75% of my Liver. I spent 3 nights in Intensive care and after that I was moved to the general ward and spent 7 nights on the ward.
Due to the nature of the operation, how long I had been under anaesthesia and morphine, I suffered from Post Delirium Hallucinations. They were all so terrifying, so realistic to me. I kept trying to go home, pulling all my tubes out. I even thought it was all part of a Darren Brown Show at one time and all my family and staff were in on the joke and I threatened to Divorce my family lol. I can laugh now but it was terrifying at the time.
I went home with a drain which I had in for 2 weeks. I was off work for 3 months.
Because I had 2 different cancers they decided to do genetic testing to see if it was something in my genes which was not right. Luckily this came back clear.
I recovered well at home with the help of my lovely family and friends, but in March 2020 I developed 2 incisional hernias. I was put on a waiting list for another operation. Then Covid hit. It is now April 2021. I am still waiting for my operation and my 2 incisional hernias are now huge and cause me great discomfort, sometimes causing excruciating pain and stopping me doing things on a daily basis. The hospital say it could be June or July before I hear a date for the op. Which I know can’t be helped and The hospital and staff have been amazing during my diagnosis, operation and care.
During Covid it has been extremely hard, having to cope with what I am going through, my son’s OCD has gone through the roof since the pandemic started and my husband suffers from severe anxiety and at times he has had meltdowns over the virus and the risks. It has been horrendous at times.
During Covid, I have kept going and learnt how to do Angel Card Readings and I am now Certified. I have done an online Psychic Development Course and gained a Distinction pass Diploma. I have also done Reiki Level 1, 2 and Master Level and also gained a Diploma pass for these courses with Distinction. I absolutely love card reading and I love to meditate. I have found this so helpful during everything I have been through.
This site has been so helpful in guidance, advice and has put me in touch with some wonderful people on their Facebook page. Thank you so much.
I am plodding on and I have such wonderful care, help and support from Medical Staff, NCUK, family and friends. I am very lucky.
Love and Light to all. X
Do you have any useful hints and tips that you would like to share?
Having supportive family and friends is a must and I couldn’t have gotten through what I have been through without them.
I also find Meditation so good at helping me to relax. During Covid my husband has learnt how to give me my injections. He is doing very well bless him.
Have you used any of the NCUK’s services, if so which? and how have you found them helpful?
I have looked up information on NETS on the site and also chat regularly to people on the Facebook page. The NCUK have been a godsend. Thank you x