🏥🔬Healthcare Science Week is an annual week-long programme designed to promote the amazing work of healthcare science professionals and highlight the difference they make to patients lives. This year, it takes place between 5 and 14 March.
Science and technology is vital in modern healthcare care and can change lives for the better. To introduce the week we would like to highlight the opportunity to try out two new online courses:
– One on genomics, the other on bioinformatics.
These courses are available for anyone to take part in and everyone gets a certificate at the end! https://www.genomicseducation.hee.nhs.uk/education/
The Health Education England courses explore and explain the fundamentals of a person’s DNA – their genome – and discover the principles and practices of biological data, known as bioinformatics.
During the week, over our social media platforms, we will also be introducing you to the NCUK research grant awardees, current and previous, to show how your donations have made a number of complex and groundbreaking pilot research projects possible.
Find out more about our Research Grants and the work your donations help us support here ➡️ https://www.neuroendocrinecancer.org.uk/research/ncuk-research-grants/
#NeuroendocrineCancer #NETCancer #NeuroendocrineCancerUK #NeuroendocrineCancerResearch #HealthcareScienceWeek