Delighted to represent Neuroendocrine Cancer UK at the Bristol Patient Awayday, arranged and coordinated by Bristol CNS Rachael Delderfield and supported by Macmillan & the Penny Brohn Centre.

The event focused on well-being and the factors that can influence it. Our Support Service lead, Nikie Jervis, provided an overview of neuroendocrine cancer, followed by sessions on managing fatigue by Anna Marques (Macmillan occupational therapist) and well-being activities/complementary therapies such as hand reflexology, yoga, art therapy, reiki, and a walk around the grounds. The day also featured an excellent talk by dietitian Rachel White on diet and nutrition.



The day concluded with two separate discussion forums on the emotional impact of diagnosis: one for those diagnosed with neuroendocrine cancer and one for their supporters, family members, and friends.

A huge thank you to Rachael, Macmillan, all speakers, the Penny Brohn Centre, and most importantly, all attendees.

Neuroendocrine Cancer UK – supporting all affected by neuroendocrine cancer.