NET/NEC Nurse Competency Framework Initiative

Feb 22, 2019

Delivery of high-quality care that produces better outcomes for patients needs a high-quality workforce: skilled and competent practitioners who are fit to deliver care in the future health and social care system.

A competency framework is founded on nursing philosophy, required standards of practice and details the depth and breadth of knowledge and skills required: an ideal set of behaviours, skills, knowledge expectation and traits needed for any role.

The aim of the NET/NEC Nurse Competency Framework Initiative (#NNCFI) is to develop a Neuroendocrine Cancer specific competency framework; to provide a clear structure for both practitioners and employers regarding knowledge and skills development.  

The prevalence of Neuroendocrine Cancer is predicted to rise, in part, due to an increase in incidence, better detection/awareness and improvements in diagnostics, parallel to general increasing life expectancy (Caplin 2015, Lewis et al 2017, Guzman Castillo et al 2017).  

Historically, these cancers have been misdiagnosed and sub-optimally managed (Gilbert 2017), increasing the necessity for an informed and competent specialist clinical   healthcare.

NNCFI is a group of knowledgeable, experienced and expert NET/NEC Nurse Specialists from across the UK, working together to support and encourage the development of expertise in Neuroendocrine Cancer patient-centred care – to improve both patient & practitioner experience, patient care and patient outcomes.

For further information or if you’re interested in getting involved please contact Nikie