
Mabellys ran the London Marathon 2021.

Marbellys: “I was diagnosed with Stage IV Neuroendocrine Cancer in October 2015.

The primary tumour was in my small intestine with metastasis to liver and lymph nodes.
Diagnosis came both as an absolute shock (I had run a half marathon two days before) and as a relief as I had been having extremely unpleasant symptoms (hot flushes, raised blood pressure, palpitations, loss of vision, diarrhoea, constipation, night sweats, fatigue) for nearly a year and intermittent unexplained abdominal pain for 3-4 years.
I had been misdiagnosed with hypertension, heart disease, IBS, depression, early onset menopause, endometriosis and lastly with making it all up!
Some of my symptoms were blamed on the stress I as experiencing caring for my terminally ill husband, he had bowel cancer.

Marbellys completed the London Marathon 2021 and raised £1,205.25 for NCUK.