Join the NET Natter Oxford Team on 15 September 2019 for Oxford NET Natter’s Tripedathon, in aid of the NET Patient Foundation.
‘Our aim is to complete a ‘Tripedathon’ (a play on the traditional triathlon!) consisting of a sponsored walk, cycle and canoe between Donnington Bridge, Oxford, and Abbey Meadows, Abingdon.
Don’t panic – we’re not expecting you to complete all three elements; it’s up to you whether you want to walk, cycle orcanoe.
We would love you to join us, to help us raise awareness of NETs and promote the cause of the NET Patient Foundation, which provides support and information to people affected by NETs (
Sign up by returning your completed Participant Form to
Please share this with your family and friends; encourage them to join us, if they aren’t able to join in with the event they can support us by sponsoring our event at:
We are aiming for the event to be finished by 2pm and for everyone to meet at Abbey Meadows for a picnic!
So even if you can’t take part in the event – it would be great to see you at the finishing celebrations’.
[npfButton size=“small” text=”Click here for more details of the canoeing route” href=”” background-colour=”#37b8c0″ text-colour=”#ffffff”]
[npfButton size=“small” text=”Click here for more details of the cycle route” href=”” background-colour=”#37b8c0″ text-colour=”#ffffff”]
[npfButton size=“small” text=”Click here for more details of the walking route” href=”” background-colour=”#37b8c0″ text-colour=”#ffffff”]