Patient perspectives, from diagnosis through treatments and beyond

May 25, 2021

Neuroendocrine Cancer UK is excited to announce that its publication “Patient Perspectives, from Diagnosis Through Treatments and Beyond”, co-authored by Catherine Bouvier and Nicola Jervis, has been published in Current Opinion in Endocrine and Metabolic Research – and is available online through ScienceDirect.

The purpose of this review is to reflect on the current patient experience of Neuroendocrine Cancer (NC) from the pre-diagnosis stage to identify recommendations that will provide quality care through patient centred decision-making.

Our review centres on the latest patient led research around the barriers causing delayed diagnosis, highlights clearly both on a global scale, and UK specific, that the faces of the patients may change, but the facts remain the same.

In the UK, there is a low suspicion of Neuroendocrine Cancer amongst both patients and healthcare professionals at both primary and secondary care level – particularly at initial presentation of symptoms. This finding is echoed globally.

Challenges continue even once diagnosed – around access to specialist care and many other factors, including the prospect of living with an incurable cancer, emotional and quality of life considerations should be of equal importance;

“I am not afraid of dying, but I am afraid of not living”.

We call for a truly collaborative approach, across all stakeholders that incorporates and prioritises . . .Patients as partners in care . . . an absolute requirement for improvements in both experience and outcomes.

You can read the full “Patient Perspectives, from Diagnosis Through Treatments and Beyond” publication here

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Bouvier and Jervis (2021) Patient perspectives, from diagnosis through treatments and beyond. Current Opinion in Endocrine and Metabolic Research 2021, 18:254–257