Faces of NCUK

Be part of a like-minded community where you can share your own thoughts and feelings about Neuroendocrine Cancer.

Around 36,000 people are affected by Neuroendocrine Cancer in the UK, with over 5,000 people newly diagnosed each year. That is more than 13 people a day. For many the first time they will have heard about Neuroendocrine Cancer will be the day they receive their diagnosis.

Faces of NCUK is here for you to be part of a huge community of like minded people, and to share your own thoughts and feelings about Neuroendocrine Cancer. Whoever you are – a Neuroendocrine Cancer patient, a supporter, a friend, healthcare professional or a loved one – you have the power to take action and make your voice count.


By talking about your experiences, you can help us tell powerful stories that raise awareness and create a wider and deeper conversation about Neuroendocrine Cancer across the UK. People who’ve shared their story often find it a really positive experience and an opportunity to make a real difference for people living with Neuroendocrine Cancer, and their families.

Whether you are living with Neuroendocrine Cancer, or supporting a loved one who has been diagnosed, we’d love to hear from you.

How can you get involved?

All you need to do at this stage is click on the ‘Share your story’ button below and answer some questions, giving us as much information as you can and feel comfortable with. If we need more details, a member of the Stories team will get in touch to have a chat.

Thank you.


The stories here have been shared by Neuroendocrine Cancer patients, supporters, healthcare professionals and friends and colleagues of NCUK. We will constantly update this page, so please be sure to visit it again.

For some this has been the first time they have written about their experience and where they are now. Patients share their experiences of how they became ill, their treatment, and their road to recovery. Supporters and Healthcare professionals share their experiences. Please note that while most stories end on a positive note, others reveal insights into the very difficult roads that many Neuroendocrine Cancer patients face.

Please note that the stories and opinions posted in the Faces of NCUK are those solely of the authors and contributors of the stories. They do not reflect the opinions of Neuroendocrine Cancer UK.

Supporter, Lucy has written a song for her Dad.

Pete, Patient and Fundraiser

Pete, Patient and Fundraiser

We are all affected by cancer in some way at some point in our lives. I would be very grateful for any donation or support you can give for this excellent charity, which covers a wide range of...

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Linda, Lung Neuroendocrine Cancer

Linda, Lung Neuroendocrine Cancer

I was 64 when in February 2020 I was diagnosed with a carcinoid tumour in my left lung. I’d had pneumonia for three months the previous year which began in April 2019, and on one visit to A&E...

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Daily Affirmations, by Huw

Daily Affirmations, by Huw

For years I’ve done simple affirmations each morning to help wire the foundation of my internal dialogue to one of thanks and wonderment. When I brush my teeth each morning, I’ve a visual reminder...

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I was a partner when Neuroendocrine Cancer came into our lives. We had been together for 26 years, had talked about getting married, but just hadn’t gotten around to it. Finally in 2018 we tied the...

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Fix my broken heart, by Craig

Fix my broken heart, by Craig

My Name is Craig Speirs, I’m 41 years old, married to my beautiful wife Angela and I have two children, Adam aged five and Rhianne aged thirteen. I've been living with Neuroendocrine Cancer for over...

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Pete, patient and fundraiser

Pete, patient and fundraiser

Name: Pete Neuroendocrine Cancer Site: Pancreas with liver mets. I am cycling from North to South Devon in April 2022 to raise awareness of neuroendocrine cancer and funds for the very special...

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Judy, Patient

Judy, Patient

Name: Judy Age: 69 Neuroendocrine Cancer site: Small Bowel and metastasis to the Liver Judy's Story: I was first diagnosed with Neuroendocrine Cancer in 2019 which came as a shock, as I had just...

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PRRT, the Truth, by Barrie Dack

PRRT, the Truth, by Barrie Dack

Asked if you would like to go on a clinical trial for PRRT (Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy) and the immediate reaction is “what on earth is that” and “how dangerous is it”? The title is...

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