Signs and symptoms of Testicular Cancer

Signs and symptoms of Testicular Cancer

April is Testicular Cancer Awareness month – Signs and symptoms of testicular cancer include: A lump or enlargement in either testicle (50-80%). A feeling of heaviness in the scrotum. A dull ache in the abdomen or groin. A sudden collection of fluid in the...

Testicular Neuroendocrine Cancer

April is Testicular Cancer Awareness month – Neuroendocrine Cancer of the Testes accounts for less than 1% of all testicular tumours. Diagnosis of Neuroendocrine Cancer of the Testes usually occurs following surgery or biopsy. Carcinoid Syndrome is a very rare...

Neuroendocrine Cancer of the Testes

April is Testicular Cancer Awareness month! Neuroendocrine Cancer of the Testes accounts for less than 1% of all testicular tumours and can be divided into 3 subtypes: Primary Testicular Neuroendocrine Cancer (approximately 76%) Secondary Neuroendocrine Cancer of...