by Clare Gerrard | Aug 22, 2023
People’s Poem on Health : Entries can be submitted online, the closing date is Friday 25th August. During our lives, we all have our own, unique, experiences of wellness and illness, and our health highs and lows. Our need and desire for good health is the one... by Leanne Talbot | Jun 11, 2021
WORKING WITH CANCER What do you do when your employer is expecting the worst for you ‘just’ because you have had a cancer diagnosis? What do you do when you still love getting up every day and doing your job, just like so many others? What do you do if it is simply... by Leanne Talbot | Apr 13, 2021
Being diagnosed with neuroendocrine cancer tips life upside down (as will any type of cancer diagnosis) .It can take a long time to come to terms with, and not only is it a confusing and complex cancer, few seem to have heard of it either. Furthermore, its a cancer...